Conversion U-Joints
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Conversion U-Joint
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Spicer 5-793X U-Joint
Universal Joint Kit | 5-793X
- Series: 1330 X 3R/S44/1344
- Grease: Non-Greasable
- Inside and Outside Snap Ring
- Cap Size: 1.062" X 1.125"
- Lock Up: 2.556" X 3.625"
- Brand: Spicer/Dana
- Series: 1330 X 3R/S44/1344
- Grease: Non-Greasable
- Inside and Outside Snap Ring
- Cap Size: 1.062" X 1.125"
- Lock Up: 2.556" X 3.625"
- Brand: Spicer/Dana
Spicer 5-460X U-Joint
Universal Joint Kit | 5-460X
- Series: 1310 X 1350
- Grease: Greasable
- Outside Snap Ring
- Cap Size: 1.062" X 1.188"
- Lock Up: 3.219" X 3.625"
- Brand: Spicer/Dana
- Series: 1310 X 1350
- Grease: Greasable
- Outside Snap Ring
- Cap Size: 1.062" X 1.188"
- Lock Up: 3.219" X 3.625"
- Brand: Spicer/Dana
Spicer 5-212X U-Joint
Universal Joint Kit | 5-212X
- Series: 1330
- Grease: Greasable
- Inside and Outside Snap Ring
- Cap Size: 1.062" X 1.125"
- Lock Up: 2.556" X 3.625"
- Brand: Spicer/Dana
- Series: 1330
- Grease: Greasable
- Inside and Outside Snap Ring
- Cap Size: 1.062" X 1.125"
- Lock Up: 2.556" X 3.625"
- Brand: Spicer/Dana